Sister Rebecca Mehr

At the Friday Fireside we will be pleased to hear from Sister Rebecca Mehr, General Relief Society Advisory Council Member. She will be joining us virtually for the event.

Rebecca Mehr was born in 1964 to Jay Lloyd and Linda Lewton Olpin and was raised in New York and Maryland in the United States. She earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Brigham Young University, with a minor in music. She worked as an engineer and marketing executive in the computer industry for such companies as Hewlett-Packard, Novell, and 3Com. She served on the international boards of directors for both the Bluetooth and USB industry standard governing bodies. Rebecca left the high-tech industry in 2005 to work for the Church as director of audience needs for the Church History Department.

Sister Mehr served a mission in Bordeaux, France, and sang for eight years as a soprano with the then Mormon Tabernacle Choir. She married Daniel S. Mehr in 2007, after the death of his first wife, Deborah Lucille Petersen, becoming an instant mom and grandma. Together, Daniel and Rebecca have served as public affairs missionaries in the Caribbean Area, as mission leaders in the West Indies Mission, and in the Provo MTC, where Sister Mehr served on the Relief Society council.

Sister Mehr is deeply grateful to “stand as [a witness]” for Christ, because she knows firsthand that the Lord will “ease the burdens” we experience in this life (Mosiah 24:14). She is delighted to be a wife, a mother to six children and their spouses, and a grandmother. She and her husband reside in Highland, Utah.