Friday Night Conference (Broadcast Link)

We are so excited for our 2022 Round Rock Stake Women's Conference Fireside tomorrow night at the Stake Center at 7pm! We look forward to seeing all of you in person and being able to socialize and celebrate our sisterhood together. We would like to encourage everyone to come to this event, if at all possible. Everyone will receive a wonderful gift to share, and we are having some delicious "Crumbl Cookies" for refreshments.

The message that will be presented at this conference is one that President Nelson has been asking all sisters to ponder and study. We will be addressing accessing Priesthood Power more in our everyday lives. Sister Rebecca Mehr, our featured speaker for the evening, currently serves on the General Relief Society Advisory Council, and has spent a significant amount of time and energy studying Priesthood Power and Authority under Sister Jean Bingham's direction. We feel so strongly that all the sisters in our Stake should hear this message that we are sending out the YouTube link for everyone to access the conference if you cannot attend in person. 

No matter how you attend this Conference, please share this message with your husband. You will both be blessed!

We love you Sisters!

Round Rock Relief Society Presidency