What I Wished I'd Known... (a list of useful tips as you learn your way around the area)

1. Armadillos carry leprosy.  Don’t touch them!

2. We have poisonous caterpillars.  Don’t touch them either.

3. Oh, and the fire ants.  Don’t touch them or mess with their mounds.  You’ll be sorry.

4. It’s not safe to sit on the grass.  Thank the fire ants for that.

5. Highway 183 (runs North and South) is also known as Research Blvd in northern Austin, Bell Blvd in Cedar Park.

6. 1431 (runs East and West) is also known as Whitestone Blvd in Cedar Park, and University Blvd and Chandler on the other side of Interstate 35.

7. Parmer Lane is called Ronald Reagan north of 1431.

8. Brushy Creek Rd is also called Hairy Man Rd.

9. Capital of Texas Highway is also known as Loop 1.

10. You don’t need cash for the Toll Roads.  But you will find a bill in your mail within a month.  Get a TXTAG toll pass for a less expensive drive.

11. Bring your own reusable shopping bags when you shop in Austin.  They have a ban on plastic bags. This is also true for the Lakeline Mall.

12. If you live in a new development expect to see a small scorpion or two in your house.  If you’re lucky you might see a tarantula. They are not poisonous. Take a picture first for proof, then gently scoop it up with a shovel and fling him across the yard.

If you have an experience that you wished you had known about before you moved here please let me know so that we may save the next unsuspecting lady a mishap!  ☺